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Our 100% Arabica Coffee

The area of PACORA town in Caldas Colombia where the Cultural landscape is characterized by having soils rich in organic matter, generally derived from volcanic ash, with steep slopes in its topography, located between 1,200 and 2,000 meters above sea level.

The climate is characterized by average temperatures around 22 ° C and with a rainfall regime that ranges from 1,200 to 3,000 cubic millimeters of annual rain, well distributed throughout the year, which constitutes one of the most important natural resources for optimal production of coffee smooth Arabic.


In the processing of coffee at the farm level, it begins with the manual collection, one by one, of the ripe beans of coffee, and then the system known as wet mill, which is essential for the preservation of the quality of the coffee. Once in the mill, the ripe fruits are pulped dyes, debunked dyes, and washes then later dried.

Pacora Coffee

A new generation of coffee growers, with a family tradition of more than 50 years, cultivate and select each bean with love and dedication, so that, crossing borders you can enjoy that delicious cup of coffee.

Also in the drying process of the coffee, PACORA has developed alternatives that support the environmental sustainability of the region. After the farmer benefits the coffee, it must be dried until it reaches a maximum of 12% humidity, in order to guarantee a subsequent safe storage without acquiring a bad smell or taste. For this, solar drying systems such as parabolic dryer have been developed.

In the phytosanitary field, advances in terms of environmental sustainability have also been important. As is well known, the control of pests, diseases and weeds is essential for the proper development of coffee plantations.

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